Thursday, May 31, 2012

PR Tips & Tidbits

5 Tips for Radio Show Interviews

1) Have a goal for the interview - the most common one today is to drive people to your web site.
2) Have a web address that's easy to remember and spell - so listeners won't forget it after the interview.
3) Call-in on a landline - better voice quality and more reliable.
4) Listen to the show a few times before you get on - so you know what to expect.
5)  Have a pencil and paper in front of you during the interview - so if a thought occurs, you can jot it down and be sure to cover it.

Source: Fred Gleeck Insights, 8/27/09.
Twitter Tip
Perry Belcher, a successful Internet marketer with over 60,000 Twitter followers, uses this formula for successful tweeting:

** 30% anything funny (jokes, funny quotes, etc.)
** 25% compliments and praise for others (includes retweets)
** 10% information that keeps them informed
** 5% what you are doing

***What are they saying about you online?***

Is your business being hurt by people who are trash-talking about you or your product on blogs and web sites?

To find out what is being said about you online, do a full search using your company name, brand, and product names on Google, Bing, and Yahoo twice a month, advises marcom strategist
Dianna Huff.

On Google, open a Google account and set up Google Alerts. These are e-mails that Google sends you whenever a specific keyword or phrase you specify - like your name -- is used online. 

Use the images, books, maps, and more links at the top of the Google search page to see how your company and product names are being used. Then click on "more options" to see online reviews, forums, and related searches. Plus: check for mentions of you on Digg, Delicious, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Source: Marcom Strategist, 7/10/09.


***4 ways to make Google love your site***

According to Internet marketing guru Howie Jacobson, Google ranks "authority" web sites - sites that provide valuable information on a topic -- higher than ordinary web sites.

Here are the 4 things you need to have an authority web site:

1-High-quality content - valuable information that's free - and lots of it.
2-New material added all the time - so Google sees the site is growing and staying current.
3-Easy-to-use site navigation - including a site map.
4-Inbound links to your site from other authority web sites in the same niche.

Added bonus: having an authority website also helps position you as a thought leader in your industry.

Source: Early to Rise, 7/1/09.


***7 reasons why visitors don't buy from you online***

According to an e-tailing group survey, visitors don't buy online for 7 reasons:

1-High shipping charges - 46%.
2-Desire to comparison shop some more-37%.
3-Lack of money-36%.
4-Wanted to look for a coupon-27%.
5-Wanted to shop offline-26%.
6-Couldn't find preferred payment option-24%.
7-Security concerns about ordering online-21%.

Action steps: test lowering your shipping and handling charges; expand your payment options;  test coupons on your shopping carts; and make sure you have secure socket layer (SSL) security logos on your site's order forms and shopping cart. These include VeriSign, Entrust, TRUSTe, and GoDaddy.

Source: eMarketer, 6/30/09.

***5 Ways to Write Better***
1—Write what you know.
2—Know what it is that you know.
3—Make good use of details.
4—Look for details in experience – yours or other
5—Collect information. You never know what will someday be

Source: Richard Lovett, Analog, 1/10/10, p. 55.

This article appears courtesy of Bob Bly Direct Response Letter at

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