***To Get PR, Be Available"***
Always provide the media with your cell phone number and other fast contact info, advises PR pro Annie Jennings. "If you are actively seeking PR, keep yourself instantly available," says Jennings. "Check your messages immediately so you don't miss a thing." If you are traveling to a location for a TV segment, ask for the producer's emergency contact information, but only use it for emergencies. That way, if you have trouble finding the location, you can reach your media contact immediately.
Source: Behind the Podium, 1/10, p. 3.
***Who Will Buy From You?***
The 4 groups of prospects more likely to buy from you are:
1-People you know.
2-People you do business with.
3-People who do business with vendors their friends talk
4-People who do business with people they read about.
Action step: create and distribute more content so that more of your prospects fall into categories #3 and #4 above.
Source: Patricia Fripp, The Podium, 12/09, p. 6.
***Handling Work Overload***
When asked to perform yet another time-consuming task at work or at home, apply MaryEllen Tribby's "Triple D" principle:
>> Ditch it - evaluate the task to see if it really needs to be done at all.
>> Delegate it - is the task something that someone else can do?
>> Dominate it - if you DO take on the task, give it your all.
***Do You Know These Facts About White Papers?***
Are you skeptical about the value of writing white papers? If so, these survey results might change your mind....
Some 84% of businesspeople surveyed find white papers influential in their purchasing decisions. And 89% of
businesspeople pass white papers along to others.
businesspeople pass white papers along to others.
How long should your white papers be? The survey found that readers prefer white papers that are 6 to 10 pages in length.
Source: WhitePaperSource Newsletter, 12/8/09.
***Affirmations for Success***
Sales trainer Bill Caskey advises "travel the road to abundance through detachment." These affirmations can help:
** "It's OK if you don't buy from me; others will."
** "It's OK if you aren't a prospect for me; others are."
** "It's OK if you disagree with me; I am not my opinions."
** "It's OK if you fire me; I'll find better situations elsewhere."
** "It's OK if you don't love me; others will."
Source: "49 Tips to Create Wealth in Selling," http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102984176833&s=19930&e=001VCmIGtCF70cF6OHr_VF57Pn_hIbOOiVhf7S0_0JXceDCvWcdbcWkuHBep_bbCfoAIwcbcQvllMP0DPrtloecqCUiBqwYeqrWWYIeNxAMgFnMK1HRC38t3I15PEtlRNbg
***Finding Your Best Customers***
When segmenting your customer list, look for "RFM" - recency, frequency, and monetary.
>> Recency - the customer who just bought from you is the most likely to buy again. This is why you get more solicitations from charities right after you give to them: the person who just made a donation is the most likely to donate again.
>> Frequency - people who buy 2 or more times ("multi-buyers") are more loyal customers than those who have bought only once. Reason: they experienced your product and service, and came back for more.
>> Monetary - the more money a customer has spent with you, the more likely they are to make additional purchases.
***Look Forward to Something***
Having trouble keeping a positive attitude these dreary days? Think about one small, enjoyable thing you plan to do that day (eating a bagel) and one really fun thing you plan on doing soon (your upcoming fishing trip), suggests Allen Elkin, Ph.D., director of the Stress Management and Counseling Center in New York City. Reason: this helps your brain not obsess about what can go wrong that day.
***Quote of the Month***
"Like most drudge work, thinking is an undertaking that Americans would rather subcontract to someone else."
--Mattathias Schwartz
--Mattathias Schwartz
Source: Harper's Magazine, 1/10, p. 28.
This article appears courtesy of Bob Bly's (www.bly.com) Direct Response Letter.
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