There are hundreds of ways to get customers to your business' website. So I tried to narrow it down to just a few (not an easy task). Without further ado, here are six great ways to generate more visitors to your site:
1. SEO (search engine optimization)
Make sure your website copy has targeted keywords. Use Google to do some keyword research. Which are the most frequently searched? Which are the best suited to use on your website? Then, sprinkle those keywords throughout the site's copy. If you're not a SEO pro, that's no problem. There are plenty of easy-to-follow instructions online. Plus, there are plenty of web copywriters that specialize in creating website content that is optimized for SEO.
2. Social Media
Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Stumbleupon, Digg -- select 3-4 social media sites to focus you're efforts on. Then, create a strategy. Determine which ones you will participate, how often and how you will track your success. It's not hard, but it does take time. However, if you're consistent, the fruits of your labor will pay off for your business.
3. E-mail Newsletter
Keeping in touch with your customers with an e-mail newsletter is great way to let them when you have new products, offerings, if you've won an award, or other items of interest. Consistency and strong content are key. With sites such as Constant Contact and Vertical Response, creating, sending and tracking your e-mail newsletter is a breeze.
4. Use Your URL Everywhere
From your e-mail signature to business cards, stationery and invoices -- you should include your website URL on everything. The more exposure you get, the more opportunities for customers to check out your site. It's simple, cost-effective and something you can begin doing immediately.
5. Submit to Major Search Engines
Build it and they will come. Not likely when you figure that your website is competing with millions of others. Be sure to submit your site to the major search engines, such as MSN, Yahoo and Google. It's not a complicated process, it just takes a little bit of time. Then, at least quarterly, check to make sure that your site still showing up during searches.
6. Create a Blog
Having a blog associated with your website is a great way to generate content. It also builds credibility for you and your business since the topics covered by your blog should be issues important to your customers. Be sure to regularly post by creating an editorial calendar. While you don't need to post everyday, having a consistent plan with quality content will ensure your blog's success.
I'm sure there are many other ways to drive website traffic. Have a tip that has worked especially well for you and your business? Feel free to share it here.
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